Goals for 2024

I’m a goal-setter at heart. I am constantly writing lists and making plans to cross those lists out. This is my dream for my ideal life in 2024.

Become self-employed

Working for myself has always been a dream of mine that has required a kind of risk that I’ve been too scared to take. But, I’ve grown to a point where I’m so tired of working for others, that I’m now willing to take those risks. I’m thinking about building a freelance career - perhaps a writer or photographer or something along the lines of communication. I also have a seed of an idea for a business that combines my passion for urban gardening, food security, and community building. Stay tuned to watch it grow!

Learn to crochet

This item has been on my to-do list for many years, but I haven’t gotten around to it. 2024 will finally be the year I wear a granny-square cardigan I made myself.

Go on more backpacking trips

I was recently inspired by the book A Year in the Woods by Torbjørn Lysebo Ekelund. He resolved to spend one night a month outside for a whole year. I used to spend way more time outside when I lived in my van because my life was one long camping trip, but now that I live inside four walls, my time in nature is limited to daily walks with Dozer, usually in the same route every day. And even though I’m a very experienced hiker, I’ve only ever done one backpacking trip. This year, I’d like to become a competent backpacker and spend a lot more time outside.

Get renter’s insurance

This is a more practical item that’s been on my to-do list since July 2021, when I first became a renter. It’s not a hard item to do, it’s honestly just finding the time to get quotes from all these different insurance brokers and decide on the best one to buy. It’s an adult chore that I’ve been putting off, but this is the year I make it happen.

Find a family doctor

I’m tired of going to whatever random walk-in clinic will take me whenever I need some kind of prescription or referral and having to repeat my list of ailments over and over. I don’t know why I am without a family doctor, I just know I’ve never had one and it’s made getting proper health care very difficult. So, this is the year I try to find a doctor in my town that’s still accepting patients. Wish me luck.

Learn to rollerblade

I have a pair of rollerblades I bought at a second-hand store years ago that have just sat collecting dust in the corner. The reason why I haven’t learned is simply because I’m too self-conscious to publicly learn a new skill. I’m slowly trying to teach myself that to be good at something, you have to be bad at it first.

Get more writing published

In the last couple of months of 2023, I started writing a memoir and a cookbook. I want to continue writing and editing these pieces, as well as writing book proposals to get them published. I’d also like to get articles published in a few different independent magazines and newspapers.

Throw dinner parties

I love cooking elaborate meals for big groups of people, and I love throwing parties. This year, I’d like to throw more dinner parties for my friends, family, and neighbours so more people can compliment how delicious my food is and how cute my apartment is.

Expand my urban garden

Last year I grew a garden for the first time, and with seven beds and countless pots, I supplied fresh produce to myself and my neighbors throughout the summer. I transformed a dead, lifeless space into a thriving outdoor space for pollinators, wildlife, and humans to enjoy and feel connected to nature among the concrete landscape of downtown Chilliwack. My landlords have made it very clear that I am not to install any more garden beds, so I guess I’m going to have to double my potted plants to grow more flowers, vegetables and herbs. I’d like to make maintaining the garden easier by installing features like an irrigation system and a compost bin that the rats can’t get into.

Return to my yoga practice

I used to have a dedicated yoga practice that I’ve slowly abandoned over the past couple of years. Every year in January, Yoga with Adrienne puts out a 30-day yoga challenge, so I’m excited to kickstart my yoga practice back with her YouTube series again.

Continue repairing my Safari

I tallied up every dollar I spent repairing my 96’ Safari last year, and it came out to over $7000. The old van needed nearly everything replaced: a radiator, water pump, coolant lines, spark plugs, computer, battery, tires, idler arms, exhaust pipe, and a serpentine belt, along with other bits and bobs needed for general maintenance. There are still a few more fixes that need to be done this year, and hopefully, she’ll be good enough to make a few long road trips soon. I also want to learn basic repair and maintenance skills myself, like how to swap a tire, and how to change my oil, things that every car owner should know how to do, but sadly I don’t.

Keep learning more about native flora and fauna here in the Fraser Valley

One skill I picked up when working for the Fraser Valley Conservancy this past year was the names and characteristics of different native species where I live. I’d like to continue learning more about the abundance of life that surrounds me, including the biological, historical, and medicinal qualities of these plants, animals, and fungi that also call the Fraser Valley their home.

Leave the country

At some point this year, I’d like to leave the country. I don’t know when, where, or for how long. I’ve wanted to return to Brazil and India for a long time, but I’m up for whatever opportunity life may throw at me.

That’s all for now. This is what I will focus my attention and energy on this year. Wish me luck and stay tuned to see how it all pans out!


Season 1; Episode 7: We Contain Multitudes


Season 1; Episode 6: Embrace the Cringe