Living The Artist’s Way, Week Four: Inviting Optimism

This is my series on Living The Artist’s Way, a workbook focused on writing for guidance to find creative inspiration. Check out my posts on weeks one, two, and three if you haven’t already done so. This week is about consciously using your guidance to invite optimism into your life, practicing self-forgiveness, and inciting hope.

Quelling anxiety and practicing positivity are reoccurring themes of the book Living the Artist’s Way. You must first silence those worrisome thoughts that threaten to deafen your guidance. Throughout this chapter, Cameron writes about a wildfire that is blazing close to her Santa Fé home, and how, despite choking on the smoke, she invites a sense of calm, hope, and optimism into her life by surrendering to her lack of control over the situation and trusting in the greater powers that be for her safety.

When my mind is caught up in anxious thoughts, I sometimes spiral into a deep what-if hole and end up feeling hopeless about my lack of control over the situation. Trusting in God, guidance, the universe, or whatever you want to refer to this higher power is tough. Even if you don’t believe that some greater force is wrapping us all in a celestial loving embrace, releasing events and situations that are out of your control is essential to staying afloat in this anxiety-inducing world.

I am a big fan of the Ologies podcast, hosted by Alie Ward. There is one episode about fear that has helped me in numerous ways, and one quote from the show’s guest, Mary Poffenroth, a fearologist, is a near-daily recurring thought for me. Poffenroth confirmed that there is no psychological distinction between stress, fear, and anxiety.  Something that helps me whenever I feel a wave of anxiety is simply asking myself, “What am I afraid of?” Often, I am afraid of something absurd and abstract that is wholly untrue like everybody hates me, and I’m not doing anything useful with my life, or I might die tomorrow without ever learning how to do a proper handstand.

In the Fearology episode (that everyone needs to listen to), the guest shared a helpful exercise to get out of your head and escape the anxiety spiral - RIA.

Recognize - Recognize what is going on.

Identify -  There is power in naming things, name the emotions you are cycling through.

Address - What kinds of strategies do you need to manage outcomes for this?


Living The Artist’s Way, Week Three: Inviting Calm